A short video:

To make an online payment, please visit http://my.exotel.in/pay. You will find the below screen once you enter the payment page.

Please note that you will also be able to view the validity and the credit balance of your Exotel account on the top right corner below the logout button on the dashboard as shown in the below image.

Under the payment page, we have three options. Please find each type and their definition given below:

  1. Top-up for extra credits: This option helps you to add credits to your Exotel account. These credits are deducted as per your usage for calls, SMSes or to rent other features (extra ExoPhones, extra users, or any available apps) at Exotel. Please ensure to make a recharge for the extra credits once the account credit balance is low. Once the credits reaches 0, the services for the account will be stopped/suspended until further credits are added.

Please select the amount of credits that you need to recharge ranging from 500 to 100000 credits.

Also, please ensure to select the right percentage of TDS amount that you would like to deduct while making the payment. Click here for further details regarding TDS.

Note: You will not be able to make a recharge for credits when your account validity is going to expire within a week. You will have to first extend the validity (which will be explained in the next type) and then make a recharge for credits.

  1. Extend validity: This option allows you to extend the validity of your Exotel account. The validity of your account refers to the time period for which the account will be active. Consider it like the date of expiry for the account!

Please ensure to make the payment for a validity extension at least a couple of days before the due date to ensure uninterrupted services.

  1. Upgrade: This option is used to extend the validity of the account and add the credits at the same time. It acts as a combo package, where you only need to make a payment for adding both credits and validity.

For further details regarding the different methods of payment, click here.

Please note that we also send periodic communications and reminders regarding your Exotel account payments. Click here for more information on the same.

For further details, please write to us at [email protected] or call us on 8088919888.

P.S- Entities signed up for Dabbler, Believer, or Influencer plans will get a validity of 5 months and 11 months respectively.