When there are a lot of Passthrus on your call app, there is a distinct possibility that your callers might have to wait more on call.
The reason is that for each Passthru, Exotel will make an HTTP GET request to your server, and wait for a response from your end. In case your server does some processing like storing it in a database or calling some other services (like CRM services in turn), the response to Exotel will get delayed.
However, if in case your call logic doesn't depend on the response from your CRM, you can select the "Make Passthru Async" option in the applet. Upon selecting this, our system will not wait for a response but will continue on the call logic, thus, there will be no delay on the calls.
How to find out?
Contact us: If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with us using the chat widget on your Exotel Dashboard or Whatsapp us at 08088919888.