Short video:

If you do not want to receive your Exotel calls, you can switch your number "OFF". So, calls coming to you through Exotel will go to someone else or voicemail depending on the configuration of the call flow. You might choose to do this when you are getting into a meeting, driving a vehicle, or simply out of the office, etc. 

There are three ways of toggling your device (phone number):

First - From your Exotel dashboard after logging in like this, this option will be on your top right corner: 

Second - From the Co-workers & Groups page by using the "Gear" icon below the User widget

Third - By using the "Exotel Switch": Exotel Switch is +919513885656. You can give a missed call from your registered phone number to this switch and it will toggle your status. That is: If your number is currently ON, it will go OFF and vice versa. You will get an SMS with the current status of your device. 

Update: Starting April 2018, our default number in the trial account will be +919513886363. Our on/off toggle switch number will be +919513885656. 

Note: If you are in the Mumbai cluster, the Exotel Switch is 02249360005. You can give a missed call from your registered phone to alter your device status. How do we know we are in the Mumbai cluster? If my account sid is preceded with a numeric value and ending with an "m". For example: exotel1m, exotel2m, exotel3m etc. 

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