A short video:


  1. In the Admin section, you can create a new flow by clicking the option App Bazaar --> Installed Apps tab

  2.  Click on Create App and enter a flow name

Edit & Save:

  1. To edit a flow, click on  App Bazaar --> Installed Apps --> Edit Call App link next to the call flow that you would like to modify

  2. You can drag and drop the required applets to create your flow. You can understand what each applet does by hovering your mouse over the applet. You can also find detailed information on each Applet and its functionality here

  3. Once you have created a flow, you can 'Save' and 'Close' it

Having created a new flow, if you wish to test it out - please follow the steps documented here: How do I test out the new business logic that I've created?

Support contact details: 

[email protected]
