
Before you begin, ensure that you have successfully completed the RCS bot onboarding process.

How to Find RCS Templates

  1. Navigate to the Messaging Console

    • Log in to your Messaging Console at

    • Locate the RCS section in the left-side menu and click on RCS Templates.

  2. Select the Bot

    • If you have multiple bots, choose the relevant bot from the top menu.

  3. View and Manage Templates

    • The RCS Templates page displays all templates you have created.

    • You can filter templates based on their status (Approved, Pending, or Rejected) and type (Text or Rich Card).

    • Use the search bar to find templates by name.

How to Create RCS Templates

Click on "Create Template" in the top right corner of the Template Management Page. This process involves two steps:

Step 1: Define Template Details

  1. Template Name: Choose a unique name using only alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), or hyphens (-). Spaces and special characters are not allowed.

  2. Template Type: Select one of the following options:

    • Text Template – Contains only text content.

    • Rich Card Template – Includes images, audio, or video along with text.

Step 2: Configure the Template

The configuration options depend on the template type selected in Step 1.

Creating a Text Template

  1. Enter Message Content

    • You can enter up to 2,500 characters.

  2. Add Variables

    • To include dynamic content, click "Add Variable" to insert placeholders such as [custom_param].

    • Example: This is your chance to avail the offer with the code: [coupon_code].

  3. Add Suggested Action/Reply Buttons

    • You can add up to 11 action buttons for a single message.

Types of Action Buttons

1. Reply Button

  • Allows users to choose a predefined reply.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: The displayed text (e.g., "Yes, I'm interested").

    • Button Postback: A keyword to track responses (e.g., yes_interested).

    • Type of Action: Default is "Reply," but you can change it.

2. URL Action

  • Redirects users to a website or landing page.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: The displayed text (e.g., "Visit Website").

    • Button Postback: A keyword for tracking (e.g., visit_site).

    • URL: The target webpage.

3. Dialer Action

  • Lets users call a predefined phone number.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: The displayed text (e.g., "Call Us").

    • Button Postback: A keyword for tracking (e.g., call_support).

    • Phone Number: The contact number.

4. View Location (Lat/Long)

  • Opens Google Maps to a predefined location.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: The displayed text (e.g., "View Location").

    • Button Postback: A keyword for tracking (e.g., view_location).

    • Latitude & Longitude: Coordinates of the location.

5. View Location (Query)

  • Searches for a location on Google Maps based on keywords.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: (e.g., "Find Us on Maps").

    • Button Postback: A keyword for tracking (e.g., find_us).

    • Query: The search term (e.g., "Exotel Techcom Pvt. Ltd").

6. Share Location

  • Enables users to share their real-time location.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: (e.g., "Share My Location").

    • Button Postback: A keyword for tracking (e.g., share_location).

7. Create Calendar Invite

  • Allows users to save a Google Calendar invite.

  • Options:

    • Button Text: (e.g., "Save the Event").

    • Button Postback: A keyword for tracking (e.g., save_event).

    • Event Title & Description: Title and details of the invite.

    • Event Date & Time: Time range for the event.

After configuring your template, click "Submit". Your template will appear in a Pending state until it is approved or rejected.

Creating a Rich Card Template

  1. Select Card Orientation & Alignment

    • Vertical Short: Image (3:1 ratio), max 2MB; Video, max 10MB.

  • Vertical Medium: Image (2:1 ratio), max 2MB; Video, max 10MB.

  • Horizontal Left: Image (3:4 ratio), max 2MB; Video, max 10MB.

  • Horizontal Right: Image (3:4 ratio), max 2MB; Video, max 10MB.


  1. Upload Media

    • Based on the selected orientation, upload an image (JPEG, JPG, PNG) or video.

  2. Enter Card Details

    • Card Title: A short, clear title.

    • Card Description: A brief summary.

  3. Add Suggested Action/Reply Buttons

    • Use the same action button types mentioned in the Text Template section.

Once done, click "Submit" to send the template for approval

Approval Process

  • Pending: Awaiting review.

  • Approved: Ready for use in API calls and campaigns.

  • Rejected: Requires modification and re-submission.

Next Steps