
  1.  You have already enabled WhatsApp Console on your Exotel account and onboarded a number.
  2. You have atleast 1 number onboarded to Exotel's WhatsApp Cloud APIs

Note: If you are using the On-premises version of the API, analytics would be available via META BM access OR via Webhooks.


  • Duration : Start & End dates
  • WhatsApp Sender: The WhatsApp enabled phone number owned by the business. (Select All option available)
  • WABA ID : WhatsApp business account ID. ( In case the business has onboarded 2 or more WABAs via console)

Analytics Overview

All WhatsApp message requests submitted to Exotel are summed under the "Total" Category.

( Total would depend upon Duration, WhatsApp Sender, WABA ID filters selected)

All message requests would be categorised in the following statuses ( mutually exclusive):

Submitted: Request is accepted by Exotel awaiting further processing.

Sent: Message has been posted to WhatsApp.

Delivered: Message is successfully delivered to the destination phone number.

Read: Message has been read by the recipient ( Only available if the recipient has enabled read receipts)

Failed: Message delivery has failed due to an error. ( View list of error codes)

Conversation Type Graph

Pie Chart depicting the split of "Delivered+Read" messages categorised into :

  • Business Initiated Conversation
  • User Initiated Conversation

Message Level Trend

The bar graph shows a daily view of the number of messages sent w/ a breakup of the messages into each category above. 

Use this graph to:

  • Get a high level view of message trends per day. ( E.g Which days of the prior month saw the most/ least messages - Why?)
  • Starting point to deep dive into failures (E.g Why did ~500 Messages fail on x date?)

Daily Failure Messages Stats / Error Codes by Date

The two graphs together can be used to understand and debug errors that are leading to message failure.

Total Number of Message Responses

Use this graph to track how many of your customers are sending messages/ replying to your business numbers per day.

If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with us using the chat widget on your Exotel Dashboard or Whatsapp us on 08088919888.