Quality control and compliance are now crucial components of contact centre setups. This increasing demand can be met via call recordings that can be afterwards reviewed and assessed with the aid of speech analysis in order to ascertain whether agents are adhering to call flows, developing rapport, proposing cross-sell products, regulating the call, delivering accurate information, etc. Additionally, they are utilised for teaching sessions and the quality rating of an agent's performance. Call recordings provide a direct, unbiased record of the client experience, making them a valuable source of data that can be utilised to optimise operations and the quality of services offered.
Types of Recordings
Mono Standard recording (8 kbps)
Mono High Quality recording (32 kbps)
Stereo Standard recording (12 kbps per channel i.e. 24 kbps)
Stereo High Quality recording (32 kbps per channel i.e. 64 kbps)
How to enable/configure Stereo and High Quality recording?
The HQ recording feature will be available to the tenant, both in API and Dashboard, after enabling it for the account.
Without activation, the recording option appears as below in the connect applet. When the HQ recording is not enabled and the box for “Record this call?” is checked, the Recording Format parameter will not be visible and by default standard MP3 recording format will be selected.
The Recording channels as Single will enable Mono Standard Recording and Stereo Standard Recording can be enabled just by selecting Dual in recording channels.
Stereo standard recording can be enabled for click2call via Abix flag: dual_channel_recording
If further superior quality is required(32kbps and 64kbps) ,HQ recording flag is enabled and the RecordingFormat parameter will be populated.
High Quality recording:
This feature is not be available by default for all accounts . If you are not able to see them in the Connect Applet, drop a mail to [email protected] or talk to your Account Manager.
7. Currently, Record and Recording Channels parameters are provided in the Outgoing call connecting number API. With HQ recording, a new Recording Format can also be provided with the option of MP3 HQ and RAW format.
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST 'https://<api_key>:<api_token><AccountSID>/Calls/connect.json?From=<callingnumber>&To=<Callednumber>&CallerId=<Exophone>&Record=true&RecordingChannels=dual&RecordingFormat=mp3-hq' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
The recordingURL can be accessed from the statuscallback after the call is completed.
"If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with us using the chat widget on your Exotel Dashboard or Whatsapp us on 08088919888."