Before you start logging in to your softphone to receive calls from Exotel, please visit .
Here you will find the user credentials required to log in. Set your VOIP password on this page first and you are all set to login into your softphone
The page in your Exotel dashboard shall look like this screenshot shown below
On the above page, you need to click on the "Set Password" link to set the password of your choice for the softphone. Once you set the password, log in to your softphone as shown below
1. For Linphone:- Download the latest VOIP softphone from
Once you download and install Linphone, follow the below steps
a. Click on the preferences option in Linphone
The Below image is for a Mac machine
b. Go to SIP Accounts Tab
c. Click on the Add account button
d. You will get a menu like shown in the screenshot. Please use the credentials populated in like shown below
e. Please update the following parameters in the settings
SIP Address :- sip:<VOIP Username>@<Voip Domain Address>
SIP Server Address :- <;transport=tls>
f. Disable the ICE configuration on the settings page.
g. Click on CONFIRM and then click on OK in the main menu. This will prompt the user to enter a password like shown below
Please enter the password as you have set in . Please ensure to skip the User ID option
h. On successful login to a SIP client, you can check in the co-worker's page for the right status of your SIP device in the Exotel platform shown below
NOTE:- Please ensure to select TLS as the transport protocol and choose port 443
Logging into Linphone Mobile App:
Please note that the following steps/ configuration is to be used only for the mobile application.
- Download the Linphone App from Playstore/ App store. Once you open the app, the following page will appear. Select "USE SIP ACCOUNT OPTION"
- Once you select the SIP ACCOUNT option, you will be taken to the login page of the App. Please fill in the credentials for the SIP account shown in the Exotel Dashboard. Here, the Transport must be selected as TLS.
(Taking the earlier example as the account used for the login, the following will be the example credentials
Username: shantanueca92096. as shown in the page DO NOT add the prefix sip:
Password: Password will be the one set in the page
- Click on Login. You will be shown the following error - "Account does not exist or password does not match." Click on "Continue".
- Click on the top left, to open the options section and click on the name of the SIP. (It will be shown as connection failed). Once you click on the name, detailed setting for configuration opens up.
- You will have to re enter the password here. After entering the password, scroll down to the Advanced section. Here, under the SIP proxy section, input the following as the proxy and then click on the tick appearing on the right side of the section.
Once the above steps are completed, the app will show the status as Connected and the icon on top will be switched to green.
"If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with us using the chat widget on your Exotel Dashboard or Whatsapp us on 08088919888."