
Exotel Freshworks Integration enables the contextual association of calls with deals/leads. It enables the user to have Incoming Call intimation, visualize the call details along with call recordings and provide Click2Call capabilities. Seamless integration for enhanced sales productivity and a better experience.


Key Benefits:

  1. Call Intimations - Get the notification on your Freshsales dashboard, whenever an incoming call comes on to your customer-facing Exotel Number or an outbound call is initiated from Freshsales

  2. Automated Call log Creation - Ability to create/update a call log and associate the call with it. Automatic call log creation for Missed Calls

  3. Click2Call - Initiate a call between you and your customer, directly from the Freshsales

  4. Call Details - Call Recordings and Call Duration getting automatically added to the call logs.

  5. User Mapping - Map Exotel Agents to Freshsales Users and enable Click-2-Call. You can upload Bulk User Mapping with our new feature and search for a user with Mobile Number or Freshsales User Name.

  6. Work on just one interface and improve your agent productivity by eliminating context-switching.

Important -

In order to have a successful integration with the Freshsales/Freshworks account, please keep the following in mind:

  1. In Freshsales, the contact number should be saved as 10 digit number without the country code

  2. The virtual number of client's account should start with 0. For example '04440115227'


Follow the following prerequisites and steps to configure the integration both at Exotel and Freshsales end.


In order to have a successful integration with the Freshsales/Freshworks account, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Sign up for an Exotel Account.

  2. Verify your account through phone or email. 

  3. Get your account KYC verified.

  4. Purchase ExoPhone to be used by Freshworks users/agents for inbound and outbound calls.

  5. From the API section, make a note of Account SID, API Key, and API Token

Setting up of Exotel Integration

In order to set up the integration, follow these five steps:

  1. Create Co-Workers and Group

  2. Configure Freshsales Plugin Call flow

  3. Associate the call flow to the ExoPhones

  4. Enable Integration 

  5. Map the Freshsales Users to Exotel Agents in the Integration interface and enable Click-2-Call (if required)


Step 1: Create Co-Workers and Group

To create co-workers and groups in Exotel:

  1. In my.exotel.com, go to the ‘Co-workers and Groups’ section

  2. Add all the co-workers corresponding to Freshsales account, by clicking on Invite co-workers

  3. Create a new group, by clicking ‘Add Group’ and adding all the co-workers in that group


Step 2: Configure Freshsales Plugin Call flow

In order to create the Freshsales Plugin Call flow, follow these five steps:

  1. Go to the ‘App Bazar’ section and under ‘Custom Apps’ click on the ‘Create’ button

  2. Provide the App Name and click on OK.

  3. Add a Connect Applet


  1. Select the Group as created earlier, under the ‘Dial a user or group’ option.

  2. Under the ‘Distribute Calls’ section, select ‘Sequentially’ or 'Equally' and the remaining options as per your requirement.

  1. Under the ‘Create popup…’ section, enter this URL (modify the Exotel account name in it by your Exotel account name:


E.g: https://middleware-pub.freshwork.exotel.in/pop/exotel535

  1. After the Call Conversation ends, add a Passthru. In that passthrough enter this URL (change the accountSid):

URL: https://middleware-pub.freshwork.exotel.in/answered/<accountSid>

E.g: https://middleware-pub.freshwork.exotel.in/answered/exotel535

  1. In the section ‘If Nobody Answers..’, select 'Go To' and add a Passthru. Enter the pass-thru URL (change the accountSid) as:

URL: https://middleware-pub.freshwork.exotel.in/missed/<accountSid>

E.g: https://middleware-pub.freshwork.exotel.in/missed/exotel535

  1. Save the flow and click on Close.

Step 3: Associate the call flow to the ExoPhones

  1. Go to the ExoPhones section 

  2. Click on the button ‘Assign ExoPhones to Flow’ and select the flow created in Step 2 with the ExoPhone and click on ‘Attach Flow’

  3. In the subsequent pop-up, click on OK and you can see the flow getting associated with ExoPhone.

Step 4: Enable Integration - Freshworks App Installation

  1. Login into the Freshworks account 

  2. Click on the settings icon  

  1. Click on Marketplace Apps under Marketplace Integrations.

  1.  Search for Exotel CTI App

  2. Click on the Install button  

  1. Open the FW App in a separate tab & Capture Freshworks API Key from the Profile page:  
    Click on your profile picture on the top right and select 'Settings'. In the top bar, click on API settings. Confirm the captcha and you’ll be shown your API key.

  1. Enter all required fields on the installation page 

Freshworks Domain

  • Enter the Freshworks CRM Domain (Ex: https://xyz.myfreshworks.com).  

Freshworks CRM API Key

  • Enter the Freshworks API key

Region of Exotel Account

  • Select the region from the dropdown list. (Please note that, in most cases, it will be Singapore. If your Account SID ends with or without a number, it belongs to Singapore. Ex: exotel or exotel1. If it ends with the alphabet "m" after the number, it belongs to Mumbai. Ex: exotel1m)

Exotel SID

  • Enter the Exotel Account SID.

Exotel API Key (recommended to create a new API key & token)

  • Enter the Exotel API Key

Exotel API Token

  • Enter the Exotel API Token

Freshworks Agent Roles

  •  Click on get users and select required users from the dropdown list (Multiple users can be selected) that can access the user Mapping Screen to map Freshworks Agents to Exotel Mobile Numbers

9. Click on Validate Button.

10. Click on the Save Button.

  1. Once Installation is complete, Refresh the page and verify that the Exotel CTI  icon is added to the side panel successfully.

Step 5: User Mapping

  1. Go to the Home page (Dashboard)

  2. Click on the Exotel CTI icon in the left panel. Pop up should open up

  3. Click on the Settings icon on the top right corner

  4. The user Mapping panel opens up on the right side of the screen.

  5. Click on the Sync button to populate all the existing/ new users from your Freshworks account.

  6. You can use the Edit icon against each user to modify the mapping.

Known Limitations:

  • On-Call Events: For both Incoming Call and Outbound Call pop-ups, the call events (like CallAnswered, Ringing, etc.) will not be triggered. Hence, once the call is over, click on ‘Answered’ and do the subsequent action.

  • Call Recording Upload: The call recordings will be uploaded under ticket details within an interval of 5 minutes. The agent needs to refresh the Freshworks call log screen after 5 minutes of calls are completed, in order to see the respective call recordings.

Freshsales App - UI screens

 Call History Screen

Call Notes Screen

Incoming Call Notification screen

Call Log History screen

If you have any questions or concerns, please connect with us using the chat widget on your Exotel Dashboard or Whatsapp us on 08088919888