Below are the DLT Platform Error Codes in India:

1600ENTITY_NOT_FOUNDNo record found with EID as primary key
2601ENTITY_NOT_REGISTEREDNo entry of entity on the platform
3602ENTITY_INACTIVEEntity is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
4603ENTITY_BLACKLISTEDEntity is blacklisted on all Platforms
5604INVALID_ENTITY_IDReceived wrong Entity ID format or no entity ID tag
6605-609ENTITY_RESERVEDReserved for Entity
7610TELEMARKETER_NOT_REGISTEREDNo entry of TMID on the Platform
8611TELEMARKETER_INACTIVETelemarketer is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
9612TELEMARKETER_BLACKLISTEDTelemarketer is blacklisted on all Platforms
10613-619TELEMARKETER_RESERVEDReserved for Telemarketer
11620HEADER_NOT_FOUNDNo record found with header (case sensitive) as primary key
12621HEADER_INACTIVEEntity is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
13622HEADER_BLACKLISTEDHeader is blacklisted on all Platforms
14623PEID_NOT_MATCHED_WITH_HEADERPrinciple Entity ID is not matched with Header ID
15624-629HEADER_RESERVEDReserved for header
16630TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUNDNo record found with template ID as primary key/no template found
17631TEMPLATE_INACTIVETemplate is inactive on the platform, ex: {VI:I}
18632TEMPLATE_BLACKLISTEDTemplate is blacklisted on all Platforms
19633TEMPLATE_NOT_MATCHEDTemplate not matched for given Template ID
20634HEADER_NOT_REGISTERED_FOR_TEMPLATEHeader is not registered for the template
21635TEMPLATE_VARIABLE_EXCEEDED_MAX_LENGTHVaribale length exceeded the max configured length
22636ERROR_IDENTIFYING_TEMPLATEError in Identifying the Template
23637INVALID_TEMPLATE_IDReceived wrong template ID format or no Template ID tag
24638-649TEMPLATE_RESERVEDReserved for Template
25650PREFERENCE_NOT_MATCHEDBlocked in preferences with MSISDN as PK
26651-659PREFERENCE_RESERVEDReserved for Preference
27660CONSENT_FAILEDGeneral error code for Consent
28661_669CONSENT_RESERVEDReserved for Consent
29670SCRUBBING_FAILEDGeneral error code in case of any exceptions
30671-699SCRUBBING_RESERVEDReserved for Scrubbing
314106/5101/5102/5103/5104/5105/5106/5107/5108BLOCKED_BY_DLTMessage blocked by DLT Scrubbing
324107/4001/5000/5001DLT_SCRUBBING_TIMEOUTTimeout while performing DLT Scrubbing
334108/5201/5202/5203/5204/5205SENDER_BLOCKED_BY_DLTBlocked by DLT because Sender didn't pass Scrubbing
345301/5302/5303/5304/5305/5306/5307/5401/5402/5403/5404/5405/5406/5407TEMPLATE_ERRORContent Template is not Matching/Register
357001/7002/7003ENTITY_ID_ERROREntity not Matching


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