Tab: SMS Stats
All SMS: Transactional High, Transactional, Transactional Opt-in, and Promotional
Date: Filter by Start date and End date
These filters apply to all graphs shown on this page
Total SMS
Total SMS are split into 3 categories.: Deliverable, Undeliverable and Pending.
Deliverable = Delivered + Failed. These messages were either Delivered to the customer or Failed for some other reason
Undeliverable messages could not be delivered due to DLT, DND, or other errors, which should be addressed before trying them again
Pending messages are still in an intermediate state, and will convert to a final state over time
Deliverable SMS
Deliverable SMS represents the SMS that did not have any DLT, DND, or other errors, and could be delivered to the customer
Delivery Latency
Delivery Latency represents the time period over which SMSes are delivered
Delivery Latency is not applicable to SMS Type = Promotional, as delivery reports are not available for promotional messages
Promotional messages are excluded when computing Delivery Latency for SMS Type = All SMS
Messages over time:
The “Message over Time” bar graph shows how Total SMS Volume trends over time along with the Delivery Rate.
The date filter lets the user select a date range from
Day-wise Deliverable, Pending, and Undeliverable messages are shown.
Day wise Delivery Rate is shown
Reports can be downloaded in CSV format
Total SMS Stats:
Shows detailed information on Deliverable, Undeliverable and Pending messages including
SMS Count (Volume)
% within each section and % of the total
Reports can be downloaded in CSV and Excel formats
Columns can be sorted in the increasing or decreasing order of the values present
Status Codes
Tab: Detailed Stats
The Detailed Stats page shows the date-wise data under all the categories.
Date: Filter by Start date and End date
Table 1: SMS Volume by Date and SMS Category
Deliverable %
Undeliverable %
Pending %
Delivered %
Failed %
Reports can be downloaded in CSV and Excel formats
The columns can be sorted in the increasing or decreasing order of the values present
Table 2: SMS Volume by Date and Detailed Status
SMS Category
Date Wise Count and % SMS Category
Reports can be downloaded in CSV and Excel formats
The columns can be sorted in the increasing or decreasing order of the values present
Tab : Template Wise Analysis
The Template Wise Analysis tab shows the list of templates along with the types of errors with counts.
Date: Filter by Start date and End date
Template ID: Filter by the template ID
Search by Template ID:
Table 1: Top 10 Template IDs Based on Error Count
Template ID
Table 2: Template IDs by Status and SMS Category
Template IDs
SMS Category
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