Send SMS to your customers or start an SMS broadcast on CleverTap via Exotel. Follow the steps below to complete the integration and enjoy seamless communication.
Step 1 - Login to your Exotel account and upload details to be DLT compliant
As per the DLT mandate, the following details are required to send an SMS. Kindly configure these under Settings on your Exotel Dashboard.
Entity ID - Entity ID is the unique ID provided to your business.
Sender ID - The 6-digit ID from which the SMS will be sent.
Template ID - Template ID is the unique ID for each transactional or Promotional SMS that you wish to use.
Template Details - Upload the DLT-approved templates for the messages you would like to send to your customers.
SMS Type - SMS Types are used to classify different types of messages as per the purpose, e.g. transactional, service explicit, service implicit, and promotional.
Step 2 - Keep the information from Exotel Dashboard handy -
Find your Account sid, API KEY and API TOKEN on Dashboard > SETTINGS: API
Find your Sender ID on Dashboard > SETTINGS: API > Sender ID
Find your Entity ID on Dashboard > SETTINGS: API > SMS DLT Settings
Find your DLT Template ID on
Step 3 - Login to your CleverTap account and enter configuration details
On the CleverTap dashboard, navigate to Settings > Engage > Channels > SMS
Click on +Add Provider and select Other (Generic). Please do not select Exotel as a provider here.
Fill in the requested details
Nickname - Enter a Nickname to identify your SMS Configuration
Request Type - Select POST
HTTP Endpoint - Enter below HTTP API endpoint
- Replace <subdomain> with If you access Exotel via, enter If you access Exotel via
- Replace <your_sid> with your Account's SID (Refer to step 2 for this).
Step 4 - Add Authentication and Parameters
Navigate to the Authentication section and Select Basic Authentication
Username - API KEY (Refer to step 2 for this)
Password - API TOKEN (Refer to step 2 for this)
Leave the Headers tab empty.
In the Parameters tab, select Type - x-www-form-urlencoded
Add Keys and Values under Add Key/Value pair section -
From - SENDER ID (Refer to step 2 for this)
To - $$To
Body - $$Body
To ensure that the plugin is working as expected, you can send a test SMS by clicking on Send test SMS. In the dialogue box presented, enter these details, then hit Send Test.
Country Code and Mobile number to which you would like to send the message
Message: This is a test message powered by Exotel. Report abuse to +918088919888 -Exotel
If you have not configured all the parameters mentioned in Step 1 on the Exotel dashboard, you would need to add these KeyValue pairs on CleverTap -
DltEntityId - Entity ID (Refer to Step 2)
DltTemplateId - $$TemplateID
SMSType - Choose from the below SMS Types as per your requirement -
transactional (OTP or service implicit content)
transactional_opt_in (service explicit content)
promotional (promotional content with numeric header)
If you have any questions or clarifications, please feel free to get in touch with [email protected].