The SMS Stats dashboard gives you a high-level overview of your SMS stats.

The dashboard is accessible as SMS Stats (Beta) under the SMS section of your Exotel portal.

SMS Stats is currently in beta stage.

SMS Stats has the following sections


  • SMS Type: All, Transactional High, Transactional, Transactional Opt-in, and Promotional
  • Dates: Any dates in the last 6 months. To view data for a single day, select From = 2022-02-14, To = 2022-02-14
  • These filters apply to all graphs shown on this page

Total SMS

Total SMS are split into 3 categories. Please refer to the Glossary for SMS Stats for definitions of the categories: Deliverable, Undeliverable and Pending, and the Mapping and Description of status codes section of the SMS API documentation for more detail on what the errors mean

  • Deliverable = Delivered + Failed. These messages were either Delivered to the customer or Failed for some other reason
  • Undeliverable messages could not be delivered due to DLT, DND, or other errors, which should be addressed before trying them again
  • Pending messages are still in an intermediate state, and will convert to a final state over time

Deliverable SMS

Deliverable SMS represents the SMS that did not have any DLT, DND, or other errors, and could be delivered to the customer

  • Delivered
  • Failed

Delivery Latency

Delivery Latency represents the time period over which SMS is delivered

  • Delivery Latency is not applicable to SMS Type = Promotional, as delivery reports are not available for promotional messages
  • Promotional messages are excluded when computing Delivery Latency for SMS Type = All SMS

Total SMS Stats

Shows detailed information on Deliverable, Undeliverable and Pending messages including

  • Status
  • SMS Count (Volume)
  • % within each section and % of the total


1. Unless otherwise indicated, SMS Volumes are shown everywhere on the SMS Stats dashboard. However, long or vernacular messages may have to be split into 2 or more SMS Units. Billing is based on the number of SMS Units.

2. Pending messages are either messages that are still in transit or have been delivered but the operator has not yet sent the delivery report back to us.

Messages that cannot be delivered are tried for up to 24 hours after submission. This means that if a subscriber is out of network (for instance), we will continue to try for 24 hours before giving up. Due to this, reports may take additional time (post delivery) to reflect the final delivery status.

We automatically refresh this page every 15 minutes to reflect any updates we receive with regard to pending messages.

3. SMS Stats data is available from 15 Jan 2022. Going forward, up to 1 month of data can be viewed at a time (for up to 6 months historically).

4. We are working on making this information more "real-time", and plan to make this available to you shortly. Currently, data for the previous day becomes available at 6 AM every day.

For more information, Use the "Support" widget at the bottom of the screen to tell us. You can also reach out to us with the below-mentioned details 

Do note this feature is currently under 'Private Beta' and guidelines for the same are mentioned above. For any feedback or bugs, drop an email to [email protected].

Support contact details: 

[email protected] 
