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The New Campaigns feature enables campaign managers to run Call Campaigns up to 5 Lakh contacts along with rich features like Dynamic greetingRetry, Campaign level Reports, Campaign level Inbox, and marking an ongoing campaign as completed. A campaign manager can get all the information specific to a campaign in one place, like Campaign Details, Campaigns Stats and Campaign Calls. Additionally, New Campaigns has its own address book in the form of Lists and Contacts, where contacts can be added just by uploading a CSV of numbers and other details. Currently, it supports only call campaigns. Auto-Dialer and SMS Campaigns will soon be part of the new campaigns.

Key Benefits

1. Ability to create dynamic greeting & IVR: Now you can create a dynamic greeting and a simple IVR from the create campaign page itself.

2. Retry Functionality - Dashboard campaigns support retry functionality up to a maximum of three retries - both in linear and exponential mode

3. Campaign Level Report - Users can download individual campaign level reports, once the campaign is completed

4. Mark As Completed - Any ongoing campaign can be marked as completed and the remaining numbers in the list will not be dialed out. A campaign should be first paused in order to mark it as completed. Reports will be available for such completed campaigns

5. Lists & Contacts - New Campaigns have their own address book (Lists & Contacts), which can be used in Call Campaigns. A list can be created with a maximum of 1 Lakh contacts and a maximum of 5 lists can be selected to run in a campaign

6. Campaign & Call Details: Each campaign has a standalone view of all campaign level summaries, real-time stats, and call details (inbox view)

7. Parity between Campaign Dashboard & API: Dashboard Campaigns and Campaigns API have got features and platform parity. Hence, any campaign, contact, or list created using APIs can be fetched from the dashboard and vice-versa.

Navigating to NEW Campaigns

  1. The New Campaigns (Campaigns new) option can be found under the Tools menu on the left-hand panel of the dashboard (see the highlighted box in the image above)

  2. A link to the new campaign is also added to the (old) Campaigns page

Create Call Campaigns

In order to create a new call campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the Create Call Campaign button. It will open the page where the user has to provide campaign details.  

  2. Fill the campaign details such as Campaign Name, type of campaign i.e static or dynamic, choose your content, Start Date and Time, End Date and Time, Caller ID, Flow, Number of Retries, Retry interval in Minutes, Retry Mechanism, Retry call with Status, Call type, Call Duplicate Numbers

    • Campaign Name: Name of the campaign - minimum of three characters.

    • Call type: It will be either “Static” or “dynamic”. Choose Static when your call content is the same for all the audience and choose Dynamic in case you want to do a personalized call to your audience.  

      • If Static is selected, you will get an option to select the contact details from the list that are already saved(You can create lists from the List page). You can select up to 5 lists per campaign. 

      • If dynamic is selected, you will have to upload a list. Only 1 list is allowed which can contain up to 5 lacs of contacts along with variables (up to 10 variables are allowed). A maximum file size of 70 MB can be uploaded. The first column name should be number and only phone numbers are allowed in the column. For Indian numbers, the country code is optional, but for international phone numbers, it is mandatory.

    • Choose your content: Here you can either create your content by typing the text that needs to be played to your customers or you can select a flow that is created in the app bazaar. 1) Read our via text: You can enter the text that you want to play to your customer. This text can be static if the call type is selected as Static or dynamic if the call type is dynamic. If the call Type is Dynamic, you can replace it with the variables. Click on the text box to map the variables in the content body. Putting “@@” in the text box will show the available columns for mapping the variable, these variables are fetched from the CSV uploaded2) Select a flow: You can select a flow where you have already added the content that is to be played out to your customers.
      3) Create an IVR: You can also create a simple IVR using this option and also give out the number of times you want to repeat the menu in case of no input given by the customer. By default, if we receive no response in 5secs, the prompt will be repeated the defined number of times.  

    • Caller ID: Your Exophone number from which calls will be made. The customer/audience will see this number on their phone when the call will be made.

    • Start Date and Time: The campaign will start from the date and time specified here. You can not select a time less than the current time. By default, the campaign will get triggered with a delay of a maximum of 2 minutes from the current time

    • End Date and Time: The campaign will end from the date and time specified here. By default, it is set to 30 days from the Start Date and Time. The minimum time allowed is 2 minutes more than the start time

    • Number of Retries: The number of times a call to a phone number should be attempted, in case of a previous unsuccessful attempt. Default is 0 and the maximum is 3.

    • Retry Interval in Minutes: The time interval between retries in mins. Mandatory when the number_of_retries parameter is specified

    • Retry Mechanism: Either "Linear" or "Exponential". If the retry should be equally spaced or exponentially spaced. Default is “Linear”. Let's assume the retry interval is 15 minutes. The Linear mechanism will retry after every 15 minutes. By Exponential mechanism, it will retry 1st attempt after 15 minutes, 2nd attempt after 30 minutes, 3rd attempt after 60 minutes, and so on.

    • Retry call with Status: Determines when the campaign should treat a call as an unsuccessful attempt. Could be "busy", "no-answer", "failed"

    • Call Type: By default, it will be Transactional for all the call campaigns.

    • Call Duplicate Numbers: If 'true', the Campaign will try calling the duplicate numbers present in the lists. If 'false', the Campaign will call any number in the lists only once.

    • Set campaign throttle limit: You can follow this article to understand how to use the campaign throttling feature. By default, it will be set at auto. 

  3. Click the ‘Create Call Campaign’ button at the bottom of the page.

View Campaigns Summary

On the New Campaigns landing page, it shows the summary of all the call campaigns. Whenever a new call campaign is created the campaign starts appearing in this list.

  • The list contains the details of  the campaign such as Campaign Name, Campaign Type, Schedule Time, Status, and Performance

  • There is an action menu associated with each campaign. This action menu has options to Pause/Resume/Mark as Completed/Archive/Download a campaign, based upon the state of the campaign

    • Pause - Stop calling more numbers as part of the campaign that is in progress. We can pause only scheduled and in-progress campaign

    • Resume - Resume calling numbers that were not called. You can resume only paused campaign

    • Complete - Mark the entire campaign as Completed. The remaining numbers are marked as Failed_NoAttempt. You can mark only paused campaigns as completed

    • Archive - Mark a campaign as archived. Only completed and scheduled campaigns can be marked as archived

    • Download - Download completed campaign reports. The campaign reports will be available for download after 2 hours after the campaign being completed. 

  • Filter - The list of campaigns can be filtered based on the campaign status.

  • Search - The list of campaigns is searchable by Campaign Name (minimum of three characters to start the search)

  • Sort - The list of campaigns can be sorted by Campaign Name and Schedule Time.

  • Performance - Shows the performance of a campaign with three high-level statuses - Completed, Failed & Scheduled. On hovering failed count, failed is further divided into subcategories - failed, failed DND, failed balance, and invalid. On hovering scheduled count, scheduled is further divided into scheduled, in-progress, retry & retrying.

Campaign Summary/Stats

Clicking on the Individual Campaign will take the users to the campaign summary/stats page. The action can be changed from this page as well. The entire page is divided into two sections. On the top users can see the campaign details along with stats and at the bottom user's can view the call details of that specific campaign. 

  • Campaign Details - will show the details of the campaigns such as contact lists, call flow, start time, end time, caller id, call type, and No. of retries, Retry Interval, Retry Mechanism, Retry Calls with Status, Call Duplicate Numbers

  • Campaign Stats - This section shows the number level statistics of that campaign. There is a delay of maximum 5 minutes with respect to real-time data. You can click on the ‘refresh’ icon to get the latest data. A number can be in the following possible states in a campaign:

    • Scheduled - The numbers that are yet to be called out in the campaign

    • In progress - Numbers who are currently connected and or being executed on the campaign call flow

    • Retry - If in the first attempt, the caller did not pick up the call (or disconnected it), this number will be added to the "Retry" list. The number of retries, the interval of retry, and retries mechanisms will depend on the values specified during the campaign creation.

    • Retrying - It is equivalent to In progress while retrying the same number

    • Failed - Numbers that failed because the number is invalid, unreachable, etc.

    • Failed DND Numbers that failed because the number was added to the NDNC registry.

    • Failed Balance - Numbers that were not dialed because of low balance in your Exotel account

    • Failed No-Attempt - Numbers that were not dialed because the campaign was marked as completed in between, or the end time reached before the list was exhausted, or the campaign has hit the maximum allowed duration of 30 days

    • Completed - Numbers that we have successfully connected to a call flow 

    • Invalid - Numbers in other unknown states

View Campaign Call Details

This section shows the list of calls that are made as a part of the campaign. It captures call details such as contact person name (if added in Contacts), date created, call status, call duration, DTMF selection and call recording. It also has an action menu that shows more details about the call such as call start time, call end time, call direction and call sid.

  • Search - the call detail list is searchable by a number

  • Filter - the call details can be filtered by call status

  • Sort - the call details can be sorted by Created date

  • Call Status - could be one of Completed, Failed, No answer, Busy.

New Lists and Contacts Sections

Lists and Contacts are also provided as a part of the new campaign dashboard. Together Lists and Contacts will work as an address book only for New Campaigns. 

Create a List

In order to create a List follow these steps:

  • Navigate to the Lists tab

  • Click on the Create List button on the top right. It will open a pop-up window.

  • Provide the name of the List

  • If you already have a CSV file that contains the list of the contacts in the specified format, you can start uploading it by clicking on the Browse Files or dragging and dropping the file in the pop-up.

  • If you don’t have a list (list of contacts), download the sample CSV file and fill it with data (contacts). Save the file and upload it.

  • Click on Create List

  • A blank list can be created by just providing the List Name. If required, contacts can be added later using CSV or from the Contacts tab

  • MacBook users should not edit in the Numbers app, as CSV formatting might get lost and the file will become invalid. Rather open it in TextEdit and edit the content there and save the file as CSV

  Note: Please add only the numbers on the list. Do not add 91 as our system will automatically append 91 to all the numbers added on the list. 

View Lists

Lists that are created as a part of Campaigns will appear here. 

  • The list contains the details of the Lists such as List name, Number of contacts within the list, and Date created.

  • It also contains a few options associated with each List such as Editing the List, Download the CSV and Delete the List

    • On Clicking of the Edit icon, it will allow you to edit List name and replace a new CSV

  • Search - Lists can be searched by List name

  • Sort - Lists can be sort by List name and Created date

Create a Contact

In order to create a List follow, these steps-

  • Navigate to the Contacts tab

  • Click on the Create Contact button on the top right. It will open a pop-up window.

  • Provide details of the Contact such as First name, Last name, Phone number, Email id, Company, Custom tags and Lists name

    • Custom tags should be provided as Json format (Key value pair)


        "key1": "values1"


  • One Contact can be part of multiple Lists

  • Click on Create Contact

View Contact

Contacts that are created as a part of Create Contacts will appear here. Also, if a List is created with a CSV file, all the contacts of the CSV file will appear in the Contact list. Contacts  (contacts that are part of multiple lists) will not be duplicated and the Number is always unique for a contact. 

  • The list contains the details of the Contact such as Contact Name, Number, Email id, Company, Date created, Lists (the contact is associated with), Custom (if any), etc.

  • It also contains a few options associated with each Contact such as Editing the Contact and Deleting the Contact

  • Search - Contacts can be searched by Contact name and number

  • Filter - Contacts can also be filtered by List name

Default Call CapacityBy default call capacity of the campaign is 60 calls per minute. If you want to increase the capacity (fast calling), you have to raise a request to increase it.

Limitations Allowed Time Frame: As per TRAI regulations in India, the campaign call is allowed only between 9 AM to 9 PM of the day.


  • Language supported- Hindi, English, and Bahasa (Indonesia)

  • Max. number of Variables in audience file- 10 and file size should be less than 70 MB

  • No more than 20 campaigns can be scheduled at any point in time.